Quotes & Themes – Fidelity
As a plant often transplanted can never take root, so the soul that transplants her heart from design to design cannot do well. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 8, Chapter 11)
We must love the holy will of God in little and in great changes. (Letters to Persons in Religion, II, 11)
Be no less brave for being a Christian, and no less Christian for being brave; and for this we must be very good Christians. (Letters to Persons in the World, IV, 2)
What is the use of building castles in Spain, when we have to live in France? (Letters to Persons in Religion, VI, 19)
That peace is not good which flies the labor required for the glorification of God’s name. (Letters to Persons in Religion, III, 46)
The abjections most profitable to the soul are those which come to us accidentally, or by our own condition of life, because we have not chosen them ourselves. (Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 6)
We must be faithful in little occasions to obtain fidelity in great ones. (Letters to Persons in Religion, IV, 29)
He who watches out for his pennies and farthings, will be still more careful regarding crowns and pounds. (Letters to Persons in the World, IV, 53)
It is a little thing to please God in what pleases us: filial fidelity requires that we will to please Him in what does not please us. (Letters to Persons in the World, I, 2)
To love God in sugar—little children would do as much; but to love Him in wormwood, that is the test of our fidelity. (Letters to Persons in the World, V, 5)
They who wish to live happily and in perfect fidelity, must accustom themselves to live according to reason, rule and obedience, not according to their own inclinations. (Spiritual Conferences, 1)
As to your way, God who has guided you up to the present, will guide you to the end. (Letters to Persons in Religion, III, 16)
Most of the faults committed by good people arise from their not sufficiently keeping a steadfast recollection of the presence of God. (The Spirit of St. François de Sales, IV, 5)
We have too many aims and designs: we would have the merits of Calvary and the consolations of Tabor both together. (Letters to Persons in Religion, III, 21)
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The North American Salesian Network (NASN) is an organization of both lay and religious groups that live the Salesian teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. NASN facilitates the sharing of Salesian resources, educational services, vocational efforts, and a variety of resources, bringing this optimistic, joy-filled spirituality to people throughout the world.