Quotes & Themes – Perseverance
Do not leave out your prayer unless for causes which it is impossible to control. (Letters to Persons in Religion, IV, 16)
There is nothing which so purges our understanding of its ignorance and our will of its depraved inclinations as prayer. (Introduction to the Devout Life, Part II, Chapter 1)
We have never done; we must always begin again and again with a good heart. (Letters to Persons in Religion, II, 16)
All your happiness depends on perseverance. (Spiritual Conferences, 20)
That mortal who does not desire to love the divine Goodness more loves Him not enough; sufficiency in this divine exercise is not sufficient. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 6, Chapter 13)
Perseverance is the most desirable gift we can hope for in this life. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 3, Chapter 4)
Though perseverance does not come from our power, yet it comes within our power. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 3, Chapter 4)
To remain at a standstill is impossible; he that gains not, loses; he that ascends not, descends. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 3, Chapter 1)
Do you not know that you are upon the way, and the way is not made to sit down but to go in? (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 3, Chapter 1)
If one does not ascend the ladder he must descend; if one does not conquer he will be conquered. (The Spirit of St. François de Sales, I, 7)
Let us a thousand times a day turn our eyes upon this loving will of God and make ours melt into it. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 8, Chapter 4)
All our childishness proceeds from no fault but this, that we forget that every day we should consider we begin our course of perfection. (Letters to Persons in Religion, II, 16)
Throughout the day say plenty of ejaculatory prayers, and especially those of the hours when they strike. (Letters to Persons in the World, III, 11)
We dare not assure ourselves when we have done a good action that we have done it perfectly. (Spiritual Conferences, 8)
The three best and most assured marks of lawful inspirations are perseverance, against inconstancy and levity; peace and gentleness of heart, against disquietude and solicitude; humble obedience, against obstinacy and extravagance. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 8, Chapter 13)
Our little fits of anger, of sadness, these little shivering’s of the heart, are remains of our maladies, which the sovereign Physician leaves in us in order that we may fear to relapse. (Letters to Persons in Religion, VI, 9)
He greatly deceives himself who thinks that prayer perfects one without perseverance and obedience. (Letters to Persons in Religion, III, 44)
Hear Mass in your heart when you cannot hear it elsewhere. (Letters to Persons in Religion, VI, 28)
Enlarge your heart by a frequent protestation that you will never give in. (Letters to Persons in Religion, VI, 11)
Holy love may be lost in a moment. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 4, Chapter 4)
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