Quotes & Themes – Sacraments


The Saviour has instituted the most glorious Sacrament of the Eucharist, which truly contains his body and his blood, so that whoever eats it will live for ever.Therefore those who receive it frequently with devotion strengthen their spiritual life and well-being, to such an extent that it is almost for them to be poisoned by any kind of evil attachment.(Introduction to the Devout Life, Part II, Chapter 20)

North American Salesian Network

The North American Salesian Network (NASN) is an organization of both lay and religious groups that live the Salesian teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. NASN facilitates the sharing of Salesian resources, educational services, vocational efforts, and a variety of resources, bringing this optimistic, joy-filled spirituality to people throughout the world.

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