Quotes & Themes – Virtue


Take my word for it, true virtue is not produced by outward repose, any more than healthy fish are raised in the stagnant waters of swamps. (Letter to Madame de Cornillon)

Occasions are not often presented for the exercise of fortitude, magnanimity and great generosity; but simplicity, humility and gentleness are virtues wherewith all the actions of our life should be tempered. (Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 1) Let us practice certain little virtues proper for our littleness. (Letters to Persons in the World, I, 5)

Forget all that is not of God, and for God, and remain entirely at peace under the guidance of God; this is the height of virtue. (Letters to Persons in Religion, V. 2)

Among the virtues we should prefer that which is most conformable to our duty, and not that which is most conĀ­formable to our inclination. (Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 1)

True virtue has no limits. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 3, Chapter 1)

Never do our virtues come to their full stature and measure, till such time as they beget in us desire of progress. (Treatise on the Love of God, Book 8, Chapter 8)

As for virtues, we may, of course, ask for them, and in asking for the love of God, we comprise all, for it contains them all. (Spiritual Conferences, 21)

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